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Information about Performas

PERFORMAS is a company from Lorraine, France, which is situated in Moulins-lès-Metz. It has been specialized in the design and marketing of ACOUSTIC REGULATORS since 1997. These ones are in accordance with the regulations in force since the enforcement of the 98/1143 Decree from the 15th December 1998, which deals with sound levels in the places where amplified music is broadcasted.
PERFORMAS, which the French Department of the Environment regularly consults owing to its skills in the field, took part in the elaboration of the Decree and in the events organized by the CIDB (Information and Resource Centre about Noise).
Today, many establishments throughout France, such as night clubs,music-type bars, village halls..., are equipped with Performas regulators. This is a 7-regulator- full range which is proposed through a network of qualified professionals who carry out the sale and the installation of the products throughout France.
Since 2003, PERFORMAS has taken advantage of its experience in struggling against noise pollution to launch display and recording devices which meet a much wider demand, especially in the fields of industry, prevention and education.
PERFORMAS would also like to thank all the customers who have trusted it up to now. Thanks to their comments, the products are today high-performance, appropriate and upgradable, thus meeting their requirements at best.

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